Das deutschsprachige Magazin für Europa

Mit der Raumschifffahrt zu den Sternen

         October 4

Mit Raketen zu den Planeten

With rockets to the planets

Friedenbotschaften von Peenemünde 2018

Peace messages from Peenemuende 2018

It is not enough to want it. Nobody will come to do what we have to do. If you are in this life it is for something ... Start now, time is running out and others expects to enjoy our legacy. "No!" to war!! Peace is the way!!!

No basta con desearlo, nadie vendrá a hacer lo que nos toca, si estás en esta vida es por algo... Empieza ya, el tiempo se acaba y otros esperan disfrutar de nuestro legado. No a la Guerra!! La paz es el camino!!!

Alexander Ruiz, Cárdenas, Cuba


Hermanos de esta tierra ... amémonos todos, respetémonos y disfrutemos en paz de este maravilloso regalo q es la Vida ...

Brothers of this Earth ... let's all love each other, let's respect and enjoy in peace this wonderful gift that is Life ...

Vivian Pino, Matanzas, Cuba


Lasst uns zusammen eine Welt aufbauen, in der Raketen nur noch für Forschung, Kommunikation und andere friedliche Zwecke verwendet werden.

Let us work for a world, in which rockets are only used for science, communication and other peaceful means.

Dr. Hansjürg Geiger; Feldbrunnen, Schweiz



Ich wünsche viel Gesundheit, Glück und Frieden.
Tôi mong muốn có nhiều sức khỏe, vui tươi , hạnh phúc.

Bui Hữu Nghỉa, Batri, Vietnam



Our growth into outer space gives humanity a sustainable future both on other worlds and on Earth itself.  Let's leave our tribal divisions behind and adopt the Overview that spaceflight gives us: all humans and all life are one family on this Pale Blue Dot that is our mother planet.  Our greatest creative potential is to spread life out into the rest of the universe.

Stephen Ashworth, Oxford, UK / Großbritannien



Let the 61st anniversary of the space age be the occasion for the peoples and governments of Europe and the world to recommit themselves to the use of space for peaceful purposes only and to build peace and justice on Earth.

Brian Harvey, Dublin, Ireland

Wouldn't it be wonderful to wake up one day and find that the whole world is at peace! Until the world's political and religious leaders learn to be happy with what they have and stop wanting to take over others and push  their beliefs onto others, this might never happen.

Children are the future so teach them to LOVE and not hate mankind and maybe then my dream will come true. I hope so.

Sue Jennings, Swan Hil,  Australia


Peace existed in a man and was destroyed by the other since the first two men.

Peace is desired by some, undesirable by many and unknown by many more.

Peace is fleeting, but its source lies within us all.

Peace is attained in just a glimpse, since it is a hard state of mind to sustain.

Why is it so? What is the key to make it a way of life?

The source of Peace is the respect for each and everyone, known and unknown, and for Nature as a whole.

Respect is one of the myriad of faces of pure Love.

Respect unleashes Goodness, Justice, and mutual Confidence as a result.

Respect is the cure for our inherent greed.

Respect is contagious since it makes plain that we all want it and deserve it.

Respect demolishes barriers, burns hidden agendas.

Respect must be the essence of our Education and must be rooted in the family, so that children are raised in it and multiply it.

I am ready to respect you and promote Peace.

Are you?   


Ariovaldo Felix Palmerio, São José dos Campos , Brasil


Zitat von Michail Gorbatschow: "An den Frieden denken heißt, an die Kinder denken."

Margret Ruttmann, Berlin, Deutschland


We are the most intelligent life form ever to inhabit this planet. Let's use that intellect to learn about our universe and experience the joy of all life together.

Gurbir Singh, Manchester, UK / GroßbritannienUK


Wir brauchen weder Hass, Feindschaft, Flucht noch Kriege!

Nur eine geeinte Menschheit kann die vor uns stehenden Probleme lösen: Klimawandel, Energiekrise, fehlende Bodenschätze, Eroberung des Weltalls, Zusammenarbeit mit Außerirdischen! Wir brauchen Frieden!

Eberhard Rödel, Schwerin, Deutschland



Looking from space, the Earth is a peaceful planet. You never see borders between countries. You realize that all land and ocean is shared by all the people on this planet. There is also no border in sky and in space. It is home of all of us. There is no reason for war and fighting on the ground and the sea, in sky and space. 61 years ago, Sputnik started presence of human race in space. Fortunately, there has been no war and weapons in space since then, even during the cold war era. Today we should have no reason to do worse. My hope for long standing peace in space, and less and less violence on the Earth!

Chen Lan, Shanghai, China


As one of the young generation, I have never experienced war in my life. But I know the cruelty of war. I visited Peenemünde a few years ago. It was once a war field but now it is a peaceful place. I wish to see a peaceful Earth and a peaceful space forever.

Chen Yikai, Shanghai, China



I am happy to be part of the world space sector and to have a positive impact on my country Oman, especially on the projects related to Space and the New Technology.
"Space unites the world."

Eng. Bahiya Al Shuaibi, Oman
CEO of Space and Technology Company


Zitat von Norman Mailer: "Eine friedliche und einträchtige Welt ist der geheime Albtraum der Offiziere und Advokaten."

Bernd Ruttmann, Berlin, Deutschland
